Cyrus the Virus PUA

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Sunday, August 29, 2010

Starting Over

Sometimes I go out and have an unsatisfying night and realize I'm not that good. Sometimes I get a little spoiled when I have some success and start riding this "high" in which I can see myself getting any girl. Check Spelling

Then it hits you bam! You're at a bar or club surrounded by gorgeous girls with outrageous bodies dressed in tight little slinky dresses our sporting an ass in a tight pair of jeans that goes for miles, and you realize that the "quality" you thought you were getting is nothing compared to these girls.

This is where the rubber meets the road. I had an epiphiney last night that these are the girls you have to start gaming to get good. And that means going to the places where these girls congregate. High end clubs. And these are the hardest places to game. But if you figure this out the rest will be easy in comparison.

So what does this mean as far as my personal development? I'm kinda starting from scratch. I have to be prepared t get blown out a lot for a while until I get calibrated and adapt socially in that environment.

Lot's of times I'll end up at places that suit my pick-up style, but don't necessarily lend itself to having the hottest girls to practice on. I need to change this.

So what am I going to do? Start gaming at the bars and clubs that cater to the hottest women.


  1. Cyrus, been reading your blog for a while, it's good shit, keep it up. I appreciate your honesty and practical approach to the pua stuff. I hear what you're saying in this post, because recently I've become picking up women in the 5-7 range with ease, but when it comes to 8+ scale women, things get a bit tougher. A lot has to do with game, but I also think with these women, your looks, status, lifestyle are also very important. Anyways, keep it up, look forward to reading more stuff in the future.


  2. Thanks Darius. I agree. It's when you start interacting with the hot ones when the cracks in your game start showing up.
