Cyrus the Virus PUA

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Monday, December 20, 2010

I'm in Love...

So things have come full circle for me. And it is such a sweet feeling. I made a New Year’s resolution at the beginning of 2010 to take steps to change my life. I was unhappy with my success with women and my social skills, and I still carried self esteem issues still plauging me from my teenage years. I attended my first ever seminar “The Ultimate SNL” and I was hooked and joined the CC forum in February. I went to 2 bootcamps, in February and March by Magic and Nick Quick, and put the wheels in motion to get good at Same Night Lays. The Year was a whirlwind, filled with stretchs of going out every night for weeks at a time, fabulous memories of meeting others in the PUA community, the highs of the same night lays, and the satisfaction of working out some inner game issues and developing a level of self confidence that I will carry with me for the rest of my life.

In October, I met someone (on a pubcrawl) that in just a few short months has changed my life. You see, I had convinced myself that I wasn’t open to sharing these kinds of feelings with a woman, that love was for a weak man and I was just going to continue my quest for SNL’s and a constant rotation of girls coming in my life until I was tired of them sexually. But something was different about her. She has such a sweet tenderness that has captured my heart and I truly love every minute we spend together. The term “emotional connection” is used quite frequently in the community, and it’s exactly what we developed together. It’s the nights we’ve spent in bed together, our faces touching nose to nose, getting to know one another on a deep level, our fears, dreams of the future, the skeltons we have in our closet, and what makes us happy. I truly feel like I have found the love of my life and I am so excited to see where the future takes us.

So where does that leave me as far as my personal development goes and my future in the PUA community? First off I want to say that I am flattered that I have been nominated as ‘Newbie of the Year” and for the “Best Field Report of the Year”. It means a lot to me to be recognized in this regard. I want to stay active in the community and continue to give advice when I think I can help and still go out to stay socially calibrated in cold approach and be a good wing man. Also, my new love and I go out and we have gotten into some sexy little secret adventures. I’m going to continue to work on my social circle, in fact I have my own meetup group that I run ( and I also attend another group through facebook called Westside EOW (if any PUA’s haven’t checked this out, it’s a great event to meet very attractive girls from the Westside on Tuesday/Wednesday every other week – about 200 people show up at a selected bar that evening).

My personal development will still consist of reading and writing (I’m reading “Becoming Enlightened” by the Dalai Lama and I want to focus more time on the Blog I started this year ( I’m going to continue cultivating my hobbies (I started surfing this year), stay physically fit, and focus on being the best boyfriend and lover that I can be (David Deida’s “The Way of the Superior Man” gives such great advice on this).

I’ll end this report with a great big thank you to everyone from the Casanova Crew. A shout out goes to Decibel, J the Ripper, Envy, Cloud, Gigsaw, Chad Cox, Austin, Motionless, Kinetica, Magic, Nick Quick (and any others I may have not mentioned), for the contributions you’ve made to my forum posts and growth in some form or fashion.